A lot of us experience a persistent tension and stiffness of neck and shoulders. Also scalp and facial muscles are often part of such a condition. Stress and sorrows weigh heavily on the shoulders. We get used to this and experience our tensed body are normal while the world around us looks more and more grim and grey. Situations in which we are taken care of, in which we can let go can break this unhealthy pattern.

Especially bodywork on head, neck and shoulders can release accumulated tensions effectively. Someone holding and caring for your head can also emotionally be a deeply touching experience.

How does it look like?

Unlike for a full body oil massage, you can stay dressed for a head, neck and shoulder massage. It is most practical if you take your top off and cover your belly and chest with a towel. Bear in mind that your hair will become oily.

You lay on your back on a comfortable massage table. The massage of your head, neck and shoulders consists of gently caring and also firmly releasing strokes and pressure techniques. It includes stretches and mobilisations. Techniques are based on Shiatsu and cranio-sacral therapy. If you wish, hair, scalp and face are included in the treatment.


Before the massage, you are welcome to tell about your background, intentions, needs and worries.

I take 90 minutes in total for you. The massage itself is around 60 minutes and there is sufficient time to arrive and depart calmly.

The price for one head, neck and shoulder massage is 70€.